Behind the Stigma
Hosted and produced by Seiara Imanova, a PhD student from University of Birmingham, Behind the Stigma is a pioneering podcast that bridges the gap between the general public and the fields of Psychology, Psychiatry and Mental Health.
Each episode offers a deep dive into cutting-edge research, featuring conversations with leading experts and top researchers in the field. Take a listen, as we uncover the science, challenge misconceptions, and bridge the crucial gap between academia and the everyday.
Behind the Stigma
Returning to Wholeness: A Story with Psychiatric Nurse Neseret Bemient
In this week's episode, I have an in-depth conversation with a former psychiatric nurse, Neseret Bemient, on returning to wholeness and alternative ways of healing. Neseret shares her journey as a psychiatric nurse and what her role entailed, her diagnosis of medication-induced bipolar disorder, and how her childhood experiences as a refugee were an integral part of her journey. She also talks about the benefits of holistic medicine, including the ketogenic diet, and shares her insights on spirituality in healing and the issues she witnessed in psychiatric care. Chapter Markers Added!
About Neseret:
Neseret has 17 years of experience as a Psych Registered Nurse. She currently offers holistic coaching programs that provide the skills and support needed to overcome mental ill health and addiction concerns. She speaks openly online about navigating the current mental health system without losing your sanity and how to nurture your brain with metabolic therapies, including the ketogenic diet, for optimal brain functioning. As a holistic Mental Health Advocate, she uses her years of service and experience as a Mental Health and Addiction Nurse/RN in the conventional mental health system to support individuals.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/neseretbemient?app=desktop
Twitter: https://x.com/JourneyofHope4U
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